How Guilt and Shame Can Derail Addiction Recovery

Let me start by saying that shame is the most stressful human emotion. Why wouldn’t humans get skittish with the most stressful human emotion? Psychology measures stress by measuring elevations in stress hormones, the two primary stress hormones are cortisol and adrenaline. The fact is, is that for most of us, we don’t we don’t see shame.

No amount of self-punishment will ever feel like enough, and you will get caught up in the cycle of reliving bad memories and engaging in negative self-talk. Dwelling in guilt will often lead to shame, and that’s when you’re in danger. Shame cuts much deeper than guilt, and for this reason it poses an even greater threat to your sobriety.

Parallel process growth models

Everytime that they consume their drugs or alcohol, a voice in the back of their head is telling them that they are bad. Such inner turmoil can often be traced back to one’s childhood. A victim of child abuse may nurse feelings of shame their whole lives. While the actual abuser was someone else, the victim may feel shame for not defending themselves or for not ending the abuse properly or quickly enough. Clarify so that readers aren’t forced to go to the study cited to understand this point.

  • It infiltrates your thoughts and makes you think you’re a bad person, or that you’re defective.
  • However, after you have absorbed the lesson, you need to release these thoughts, or they will stand in the way of your recovery.
  • It can make you feel like you’re a failure, unlovable or that you don’t deserve to be happy.
  • Given the significant path from the intercept of shame to the slope of other drug use, positive emotion was explored as a moderator of this relationship.
  • After that, you need residential addiction treatment with intensive therapy to help process your feelings in a safe setting, and thereby give you the tools needed to prevent relapse.

Guilt and shame are similar emotions, but it’s important to recognize the differences between them. Dwelling on your mistakes does no one any good, including the person you harmed. The key to developing an effective plan for relapse prevention is to identify the individual’s unique triggers and risk factors. This can include things like stress, social situations, or specific places or people. Once these triggers have been identified, the individual can develop strategies for avoiding them and coping with them when they arise.

Q: How can I stay motivated to address shame and guilt during addiction recovery?

This randomized controlled trial (RCT) enrolled and randomized 110 sexual minority men living with HIV who had biologically confirmed methamphetamine use in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. We have previously reported the efficacy of the positive emotion intervention delivered during contingency management for achieving durable and clinically meaningful reductions in HIV viral load [42]. All procedures were approved by the Institutional Review Board for the University of California, San Francisco with reliance agreements from the University of Miami and Northwestern University. All participants provided written informed consent prior to enrollment. Remember, the more your practice overcoming shame and other negative emotions, the easier it will get. If you’re feeling ashamed and alone, don’t let addiction have the final say.